Beauty is Indeed a Gift From God
Self-values or should I say “self-worth” is defined as the sense of one’s own values or worth as a person, self-esteem; self-respect. It took me a long time to understand my self-worth as a woman. Not just as a woman but as a “Christian woman”. During my teenage stage, I did things that I wasn’t proud of doing behind my parents’ backs. I didn’t do anything crazy, I lived the life that a lot of young adults my age enjoy. I would wear seductive outfits thinking I looked sexy and to me, it was all about fashion. What I wore in my opinion wasn’t to attract a guy. It was because I thought my outfit looked good. I would wear tight shirts, and short skirts, revealing outfits that most females are on Instagram showing off. From time to time I would wear those outfits and post them online thinking that I am exposing my love for fashion. Going out with friends to kickbacks, parties, and meeting guys that weren’t a blessing in my life. All of those led me to ruin my reputation and identity as a Christian woman. I became a product of society and its actions. Posting seductive pictures on the internet, wearing a dress with my chest all out, leggings to reveal my body figure, etc. I wasn’t trying to attract any guy, I just thought that I looked good. Wearing half-naked clothes such as shorts that weren’t fingered length, see-through shirts with a bra, mini skirt, etc. thinking that it’s sexy and its fashion. I lead myself to believe that those things didn’t affect who I am as a woman of God. Until I grew the right mindset. I would say that I matured physically and spiritually. I came to an understanding that being a Christian is an identity and a full-time commitment. From what you wear, how you act around others is very important. If you can’t wear the exact outfit you wore to a club at church then you shouldn’t wear it at all. You cannot serve a Fearing God and live a double life outside of the church. Pick one!
Having self-worth or values all have to do with things that one values; how you represent yourself as far as how you want to be treated by others. This is very important because self-worth also deals with your physical appearance. If you describe yourself as a Christian woman it is important that you understand that self-values play a big part in that description. How you dress in public speak to others about you. The way you dress should show others that you are different. A Christian woman fears God. In other words, she respects God. When you say you fear God you should understand that it means to respect God and honor him. The way one dresses, speaks about whether or not you want to honor God.
To all my beautiful Christian women across the country who are reading this, fashion is much more beautiful and attractive to others when you do it the right way. This means to dress in a way that gives value to who you are and consequently God who created you in his own image. The Bible provides a good description of that in Proverb31:25-30 when it talks about a woman of value: “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised”–As Christian women, we are made to be different. We are made to stand out. What everyone calls “sexy” shouldn’t be what we call “sexy”. We are made to be unique. Make a trend that your children will want to wear. What you wear should be comfortable enough for you to wear in front of your boyfriend's parents, your kids, and church. Respect your body because it represents the temple of Christ. Dress it well and care for it.
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